The Team
Medical Students
This year 27 first-year medical students and 6 pharmacy students were selected from a pool of many qualified applicants. Our team consists of many diverse individuals who all bring unique experiences to our project:
International travel
Different ethnic backgrounds
All of us are bound by a passion for global health and service.
Professional Volunteers
The HOMBRE team includes dedicates health professionals including doctors, dentists, nurse practitioners, and nurses who accompany medical students to Honduras. Each year, HOMBRE recruits enough professional volunteers to form a team with about a 1:1 ratio of professionals to students. These healthcare professionals mentor student team members and work side by side with Honduran caregivers.
Board of Directors
The HOMBRE team is backed by a Board of Directors that is committed to long-term, continuous support of the organization. The Board consists of physicians, faculty advisors, former student team members, and a legal advisor who meet on a regular basis.
"I saw that we can provide health care on an individual basis but that all other actions need to be on a community scale." --Ryan Robertson
"Because it is so easy to lose track of the big picture and get so caught up in schoolwork, I firmly believe it is experiences like these that we need during our learning path to remember that we chose to work so hard in order to help people in need." --Kevin Dhloria
"My trip to Honduras completely redefined for me the differences between ‘wants’ and ‘needs’. . . . until that moment I had never thought once about how lucky I am that I am able to afford a simple pair of lace up sneakers." --Palen Powelson
" . . . each patient has his or her own complaints, ranging from minimal to grave, and that each complaint requires our full attention." --David Hsu
". . . it’s easy to forget that poverty exists when you have everything you need right in front of you." --Trevan Rankin